How To Get The Most Out of Your Home Insurance

Home insurance is a worthwhile investment because it protects one of your home’s most valuable assets. If you have homeowners insurance, congratulations! However, are you getting the most out of your policy? Zot Insurance Agency shares tips on harnessing the power of your home insurance.

Know your policy

Most homeowners know the basics about their home insurance — a lot is lost in the details. For instance, many home insurance policyholders know home insurance covers stolen personal belongings; however, most don’t know this coverage extends to items lost in the car.

Educating yourself about the ins and outs of your policy can save you from unnecessary losses. You can get information about your home insurance by scrutinizing your policy document or talking to your insurance agent.

Keeping a home inventory

Having an inventory ready can be a lifesaver, especially when significant disasters occur. An updated inventory list ensures nothing is left out when filing a claim. Besides a list, you can go a notch higher by keeping updated photos of your assets.

Update your policy regularly.

Zot Insurance Agency recommends you review your home insurance every year. This ensures you pay the right premiums and that your current insurance needs are well covered.

Sometimes, you don’t have to wait for a year to pass to update your home insurance. If you make significant home renovations, welcome a dangerous pet, or install a swimming pool, you should talk to your insurer immediately to update your policy.

Protect your prized home with home insurance

Do you want to learn more about home insurance in Davie, FL? Shopping or renewing your home insurance? Please contact Zot Insurance Agency for all your home insurance solutions. Whether you need a portion or comprehensive home insurance, you can trust us for all your home insurance needs.

Three steps to finding the right trucking insurance policy

Those who own or manage a trucking operation need to understand the importance of finding the right insurance coverage. You should go through a few key steps when purchasing the right trucking insurance policy for your commercial operation.

The following are three steps to finding the right trucking insurance policy. If you’d like to learn more about trucking insurance options in Davie, FL, contact us at Zot Insurance Agency. 

Set a budget before you start looking for a policy

You shouldn’t begin comparing trucking insurance policies until you’ve created a budget. You need to figure out how much your commercial trucking operation can afford to put toward insurance coverage.

Setting a budget will make it easier to narrow down your choices. Setting a budget is also crucial for managing your company’s cash flow and staying aware of the business expenses your commercial trucking operation needs to work. 

Know what types of coverage you need

Many types of trucking insurance coverage are available, including liability, cargo, and medical payments. You need to understand the different types of coverage available and figure out how much of each type of coverage your commercial operation needs. 

Get quotes from trucking insurance providers.

Get quotes from a few trucking insurance providers before choosing a policy. It’s always important to compare policy options and costs. 

Quotes from numerous insurance providers allow you to figure out which insurance company can best accommodate the insurance needs of your trucking operation. 

At Zot Insurance Agency, we’re here to assist you with meeting all your trucking insurance needs in Davie, FL. Get in touch with us today for information on our trucking insurance offerings. 

Three ways commercial insurance can benefit your business

A commercial insurance policy can be a highly beneficial asset for your company. Your company in Davie, FL can benefit in numerous ways from the commercial policies offered by Zot Insurance Agency. 

The following are three ways commercial insurance can benefit your business. 

Commercial insurance can ensure that your business is meeting legal requirements.

There are quite a few potential situations where a business must have various types of commercial insurance coverage.

For example, a company with employees may legally require worker’s compensation insurance. Commercial auto insurance is also typically required for any company that uses vehicles for business operations. 

You need to know the legal requirements that impact your commercial insurance needs. Make sure you’re meeting these requirements to avoid harsh penalties. 

Commercial insurance can make it easier to acquire business loans.

Many companies seek out business loans at some point to acquire capital to make equipment purchases or similar investments in their company. If you try to obtain a business loan, you may find that many lenders won’t approve you for financing unless you are adequately insured.  

Investing in commercial insurance can make acquiring the capital you need to grow your company easier. 

Commercial insurance can give customers more confidence when doing business with you. 

Commercial insurance coverage is indicative of a more stable and financially secure company. Being insured can improve your company’s professional reputation and make customers more inclined to do business with you. 

If you want to explore your commercial insurance options in Davie, FL, contact us at Zot Insurance Agency. We’d be happy to answer any questions about purchasing commercial insurance for your company. 

Home Insurance: Your Guide to Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset

Your home is likely your most valuable asset. It’s where you keep your family safe and warm, and it’s a place where you create memories that will last a lifetime. That’s why protecting your home with the right insurance policy is essential. This article will discuss the different types of home insurance policies available and the coverages included in each one.

Types of Homeowners Insurance

You can get three main types of home insurance policies from Zot Insurance Agency in Davie, FL. These are HO-0, HO-A, and HO-B. HO-0 is the most basic type of policy, and it only covers the structure of your home. HO-A is a bit more comprehensive, covering the structure of your home and your personal belongings.

Finally, HO-B is the most comprehensive type of policy, and it covers both the structure of your home and your personal belongings, as well as any damage that may occur to your home due to a covered event.

How to Choose the Best Covers

Each type of policy has different coverages, so it’s important to choose the one that best meets your needs. For example, HO-0 policies only cover the structure of your home, so if your personal belongings are damaged in a fire, you would not be covered. HO-A and HO-B policies cover the structure of your home and your personal belongings, but they differ in the coverage they provide.

A Short Guide to Homeowners Insurance

When choosing a home insurance policy, it’s important to work with an experienced agent who can help you select the right coverage for your needs. We have over 20 years of experience helping our clients find the perfect home insurance policy at Zot Insurance Agency. We’ll work with you to understand your unique needs and choose the best policy for you. Contact us today to get started.

What Are Some Common Exclusions In Trucking Insurance Policies?

Some standard exclusions in trucking insurance policies include hauling hazardous materials, driving beyond a certain distance from the driver’s home base, driving a certain number of miles in a day, driving on certain types of roads, or driving a specific class of trucks. For consultations in Davie, FL, consult Zot Insurance Agency. 

What Does Trucking Exclusions Entail? 

If your policy has an exclusion, you will not be covered if you are involved in a claim. Other exclusions include transporting cargo for hire, operating outside the U.S., using a truck that is not covered by insurance, using an unlicensed driver, using an uninsured driver, using an unlicensed or uninsured carrier, exceeding the load limit, driving recklessly, driving negligently, failing to maintain the truck, failing to maintain the cargo, and failing to maintain insurance. 

Most trucking insurance policies exclude certain types of cargo. For example, some policies exclude hauling materials with a high risk of explosion or very flammable materials. Other policies exclude hauling materials that are very heavy, such as certain types of concrete. Some policies exclude hauling materials with a high risk of falling from the truck, such as large pieces of glass. 

Some common exclusions that you may find in trucking insurance policies include towing or hauling:  

  • Hazardous materials
  • Goods that exceed a certain value
  • Cars or livestock
  • Livestock or vehicles with a certain value
  • A vehicle in non-emergency circumstances
  • Non-operational cars
  • Anything other than an insured truck
  • Anything other than an insured trailer
  • Anything other than an insured semi
  • Anything other than an insured commercial motor vehicle
  • Anything other than an insured motor vehicle
  • Anything other than an insured motor vehicle in non-emergency circumstances
  • Anything other than an insured motor vehicle that exceeds a certain value

Bottom Line 

Some companies exclude hauling certain types of trailers, such as those not rated for the cargo weight. You can also remain uncovered for driving into certain locations, driving a certain distance, or driving a certain type of load. You will need a separate policy if you need coverage for hauling hazardous materials. For help, call Zot Insurance Agency, serving in Davie, FL.

What Are Some Common Exclusions In Trucking Insurance Policies?

Some standard exclusions in trucking insurance policies include hauling hazardous materials, driving beyond a certain distance from the driver’s home base, driving a certain number of miles in a day, driving on certain types of roads, or driving a specific class of trucks. For consultations in Davie, FL, consult Zot Insurance Agency. 

What Does Trucking Exclusions Entail? 

If your policy has an exclusion, you will not be covered if you are involved in a claim. Other exclusions include transporting cargo for hire, operating outside the U.S., using a truck that is not covered by insurance, using an unlicensed driver, using an uninsured driver, using an unlicensed or uninsured carrier, exceeding the load limit, driving recklessly, driving negligently, failing to maintain the truck, failing to maintain the cargo, and failing to maintain insurance. 

Most trucking insurance policies exclude certain types of cargo. For example, some policies exclude hauling materials with a high risk of explosion or very flammable materials. Other policies exclude hauling materials that are very heavy, such as certain types of concrete. Some policies exclude hauling materials with a high risk of falling from the truck, such as large pieces of glass. 

Some common exclusions that you may find in trucking insurance policies include towing or hauling:  

  • Hazardous materials
  • Goods that exceed a certain value
  • Cars or livestock
  • Livestock or vehicles with a certain value
  • A vehicle in non-emergency circumstances
  • Non-operational cars
  • Anything other than an insured truck
  • Anything other than an insured trailer
  • Anything other than an insured semi
  • Anything other than an insured commercial motor vehicle
  • Anything other than an insured motor vehicle
  • Anything other than an insured motor vehicle in non-emergency circumstances
  • Anything other than an insured motor vehicle that exceeds a certain value

Bottom Line 

Some companies exclude hauling certain types of trailers, such as those not rated for the cargo weight. You can also remain uncovered for driving into certain locations, driving a certain distance, or driving a certain type of load. You will need a separate policy if you need coverage for hauling hazardous materials. For help, call Zot Insurance Agency, serving in Davie, FL.

Benefits of trucking insurance

Davie, FL trucking companies can turn to Zot Insurance Agency for their commercial insurance needs. If you are in the Davie area and want to ensure that your trucking firm has the coverage it needs, give us a call today. 

Protect your company with trucking insurance

Owning a successful trucking company takes a lot of work. Fortunately, protecting all of your investments can be quickly done by obtaining a trucking company insurance policy. An important part of this type of insurance is the available liability coverage. This protection can be pivotal if there is an accident involving one of your rigs.

Having a robust policy that includes the appropriate amount of liability coverage can be helpful in several different scenarios. If your drivers are injured during an accident or the cargo being delivered is damaged, you will be able to rely on your insurance policy to help defray the associated costs.

Don’t wait until you experience a loss to find out more about how a trucking company policy can help to protect your business. With the right policy, you can rest assured that you will have the protection you need. Trucking companies make a lot of investments in their equipment, and it is crucial to protect those assets. 

Comprehensive protection that includes liability coverage can help ensure that your company is thriving now and well into the future. 

Do you want to learn more? Call us today

The team at Zot Insurance Agency can help trucking business owners in the Davie, FL area with all of their insurance needs. Give us a call today, and we can meet with you to better understand your commercial trucking insurance needs. We look forward to working with you!

Protect your drivers and your rigs with trucking insurance

Zot Insurance Agency in Davie, FL is here for the trucking companies in our state. We understand that running a trucking business can be more complex than most people think, and we’re here to help you protect all of your hard work. Give us a call, or stop by our office to learn more about the trucking insurance policies available in Florida.

Protect your company with a dedicated trucking insurance policy

There are a lot of parts that go into a successful trucking business. In addition to your drivers and rigs, you have the people on the ground who work behind the scenes to help keep everything running smoothly. When one aspect of your business isn’t running as it should, it can be just about impossible to succeed over the long haul. 

Making sure that all areas of your trucking company are protected is possible with the right trucking insurance policy. We all know what broken-down rigs can do to the bottom line, but what happens when your logistics equipment isn’t up and running? Having a comprehensive trucking policy in place can help you overcome business interruptions and various other cash flow-affecting events.

Taking control of your future can be as simple as getting the proper protection. Make sure that your company keeps growing now and in the future.

Do you own a Florida trucking company? Let us help you with all of your insurance needs

The entire team here at Zot Insurance Agency is dedicated to serving the insurance needs of the greater Davie, FL community. If you have questions about any type of commercial insurance, including trucking policies, give our office a call today. We look forward to hearing from you!

What commercial insurance is required in Florida?

Florida is a very popular state with business owners. While the taxes in the state make it very friendly, when it comes to hazards that can kill your business, Florida is no more immune than any other state. As a business owner, the best thing you can do for your business is to make sure that you have the mandated commercial insurance and all the insurance you need to be protected. At Zot Insurance Agency in Davie, FL, we will help you make sure you have the required commercial insurance and any other insurance that benefits your business. 

Two types of commercial insurance are required in Florida: 

  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Workers’ compensation

Any business with four or more employees or any construction company with one or more employees must carry workers’ compensation insurance. This provides workers with coverage for medical injuries as well as time that is lost from work. 

Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to auto insurance. Businesses are required to have the same amount of auto insurance for their business as they would for their auto insurance.

Just because the state doesn’t require you to carry commercial property and liability insurance doesn’t mean that it is a good idea for your business to be without them. 

Commercial property insurance works pretty much like home insurance. It combines building and content coverage. This way, even if you are a renter, it makes sense to cover what you need to do business from hazards. 

Commercial liability insurance helps to protect your business assets from legal action. It will help pay a judgment and the legal expenses that come with it. 

Zot Insurance Agency in Davie, FL is here to help with your commercial insurance needs.

Do Homeowner’s Policies Cover Plumbing Issues?

At the Zot Insurance Agency, serving Davie, FL, we have heard just about every question imaginable about insurance. One of the most frequent is if plumbing problems are covered by their homeowner’s policy. The answer really isn’t a straight-forward yes or no so we’ll go over various issues and how they generally are seen by adjusters.

Plumbing Issues Generally Covered

  • Pipes that burst suddenly without warning
  • Burst plumbing systems or appliances
  • Pipes that are frozen, but the home is heated and maintained

Plumbing Issues Sometimes Covered

  • Improperly installed plumbing that malfunctions
  • Plumbing leaks or mold that is in the walls or floors
  • Old pipes or corroded pipes that burst

Plumbing Issues Hardly Ever Covered

  • Galvanized steel or polybutylene pipes that are outdated and obsolete
  • Sewer line backup or sump pump backup
  • Pipes that freeze in a home that isn’t heated or maintained
  • Preventable mold growth or pipe leaks

A rule of thumb is that things that happen suddenly are usually covered more than things that have taken time to malfunction.

Keep in mind also that if you have $6000 in damages but a $1000 deductible, you’ll have $5000 to use to help whereas a $1200 plumbing bill on a $1000 deductible may not be worth the possible increase in your premiums. Talk with an insurance professional to make sure that you are not only properly covered, but have the right deductibles for your situation.

If you’re in the Davie, FL area, we at the Zot Insurance Agency are here to help answer your questions and make sure that your policies are exactly what you need for your unique situation. Call or come by the office to speak with us.